Can I back up a dart?
The board will not allow the darts to be backed up and the admins do not have the ability to back up a dart. The score recorded by the machine is the score that the player receives.
Am I allowed to throw in 2 tournaments at once?
Yes, so long as you abide by time rules. You will need a second Bullshooter Code and please alert Admin via text that you will be using your second code so we can send the tournaments to the correct codes.
What do I do if I don’t hit the button before I pull the dart and it registers points?
If the dart registers when you pull the dart you will need to skip one full turn. This is considered a foul and the board will not allow you to back up the dart.
Am I allowed to throw at the dart board while my opponent shoots?
We prefer you do not out of courtesy and sportsmanship with your opponent. We encourage good dart etiquette and sportsmanship at all times to create a culture of respect and fun for our EDC Dart Family.
What do I do if my dart misregisters?
Push the red button and move on. Do not tap darts.
What do I do if I have a stuck segment?
Between turns (NOT DURING LIVE PLAY), use a dart to poke into to the stuck segment and pull back out. You are able to power cycle your board while you do this at any time and your board will remember where you left off. Be sure to communicate with Admin and your opponent if you need a moment to do this.
Can I tap darts?
No. You must select the red button and move on if your board does not register. Play at your own risk, and be sure to test your board before starting.
How do I contact my opponent?
Visit, login, and click on “Daily White Board” to see the daily entries and player contact info.
Why can’t I see my match on the dart board?
You may be on a bye, or the EDC Admin has not sent the bracket live yet.
How do I find the tournament on the dart board?
Go to “Tournament Mode” on your dart board, select “Tournament King Online,” and scan the QR code.
What is the 7-Point Bust Rule?
If you shoot 7+ rating points over the average stats you send in to get verified, you will bust and be ineligible to win payouts. Once you have played in 20 games with EDC Remote, you will become an EVP and this rule will no longer apply.
How do I figure out my Ellis Verified Player Rating (EVP Rating)?
Determine using the following formula: (MPR x 10) + PPD = EVP Rating. You may see 2+ EVP Ratings for yourself. Always use the bolded rating with the highest number of games first, and if you do not have a bolded rating, use the non-bolded rating with the highest number of games.
How do I fix my dart board camera?
Unplug the dart board, plug it back in and test again. If this does not work, please contact the local operator and find another board to play on.
Getting your Bullshooter Player Code
This is the code that will allow us to send your tournament to your location! Please download the Bullshooter Live App at the App store, create an account and send us your Player Number. This will also allow you to receive notifications when your board is ready, show you the live bracket, and other features.
What is reverse handicap?
In a game of 01, the player with handicap will start at 01, and their higher-rated opponent will start higher than 01, the higher the skill, the higher the increase.
How am I ranked and placed?
Players are ranked and placed based on their performance in EDC Remote tournaments. Rankings are determined by factors such as win-loss record, average points per dart (PPD), and marks per round (MPR). The system considers both skill level and participation frequency to ensure fair competition and accurate placement.
How do I find dart machines?
To find dart machines for EDC Remote tournaments, download the Bullshooter Live App, create an account, and access the “Tournament Mode” to locate available machines near you.
What if an event I entered doesn’t fly?
If an event doesn’t occur, typically due to insufficient sign-ups or unforeseen circumstances, participants are usually refunded their entry fees or provided credit for future events.
How much does this cost?
There is no cost to be a member of EDC Remote, you pay to play. The event registration costs vary depending on the event, amount of team players, and bounty selection. Visit our Events page to view upcoming events and the fees associated with each event.